Katie Southworth
Katie Southworth
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Areas of Specialization
Autoimmune conditions
Digestive disorders
Disordered eating
Mental Health
Relationship with food
Nutrition support
Over the past ten years Katie’s (she/her) approach to her work has shifted and continues to evolve alongside her knowledge and understanding. What has not changed is her curiosity and the time she takes to listen to her client’s stories about their struggles, their successes and their vision for healing.
Katie works as both a non-diet dietitian nutritionist and Health At Every Size (HAES)informed dietitian nutritionist. Katie’s current work includes working with clients who want to begin to heal their relationship with food, body and health. Katie uses a non-diet approach to support both mental and physical health such as autoimmune conditions, digestive disorders, disordered eating, fatigue and mental health.
When Katie is not working with clients she can be found drinking tea, reading many books at once, practicing yoga, hiking in the mountains or playing in the water with her family.
Professional History
Katie is a graduate of Bastyr University where she received a master’s in clinical nutrition and dietetics as well as a master’s in clinical health psychology. She completed her dietetic internship through Bastyr and has been working in the field of nutrition for over ten years.